Have you ever thought of..." what if everything you own now, has 'the other' object in the other world?"
The truth is, there are always two sides to everything, right and wrong, good and bad.
In 'Coraline', what she needs didn't get fulfilled in reality. Someday, she followed the path of mice, and found this small door , which originally was just bunch of bricks behind, was surprisingly 'goes to somewhere!'
The small door is an 'exit', a media/key to escape from the unsatisfying current situation, and the tunnel connecting two world symbolizes the process, the route, and the 'way.'
What is in the world of 'the other' ?
Is that the place where everything/everyone is completely unrelated, unexpected, so we will be distracted by all the 'newness', excited about the adventure ?
Is that the place where everything/everyone is fully perfect to us, matching our expectation, and nothing needed to worry about, whatever we dreamed of before, it becomes true in the world of 'the other.'
what is yours?